Soybean Cyst Nematode Damage

scouted June 11, 2024

Soybeans were scouted at the V3 growth stage and patches of chlorosis were observed. A greater occurrence of symptoms were observed within defined areas of the field. When plants were dug up and roots were observed, cysts from SCN were present.
This issue was confirmed by a NC State Extension Specialist as damage from Soybean Cyst Nematodes (SCN). Soybean cyst nematodes damage soybean roots by penetrating, feeding and reproducing on the root tissue. Symptomology associated with SCN can include stunting, wilting, and chlorosis. When symptoms are seen they may appear as patches and/or “hot spots” distributed throughout the field. It is common to associate these symptoms with a nutritional issue. Management of SCN is best accomplished using an integrated approach including tactics such as soil sampling and monitoring, planting resistant varieties, rotating to non-host crops, and using a nematicide treatments where economically feasible.

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