Deer and Hog Feeding Damage

scouted July 27, 2023

Soybeans were scouted at the V4 growth stage and signs of prominent deer and hog feeding were observed. The soybeans in this environment were double cropped after wheat and planted in late June. These soybeans were scouted two weeks ago and a reasonable stand was observed. However, when scouted recently almost 99% of the stand was eaten or damaged from deer and hog activity.
This injury was confirmed by an NC State Extension Specialist as damage from deer and hog feeding. Damage from deer feeding or grazing can depend on size and location of a field in correlation to tree lines or other preferable food sources, the time spent grazing, as well as soybean growth stage at the time of feeding. There were evident signs of hog scat and rooting throughout the field as well. In some areas of this environment the feeding occurred below the cotyledonary node. These plants will not recover. However, in other areas of this environment the feeding did not occur below the cotyledonary node. These plants will have the opportunity to recover but recovery will be limited due to the late planting date used in this field and limited time to recover with additional vegetative growth.

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