- Background
- Soybeans were scouted at the R1 growth stage and yellowing of leaves, plant wilt, defoliation, and stem discoloration was observed in patches across the field. This environment has been very hot and received recent rain.
- Conclusion
- This issue was confirmed by the NC State Plant, Disease and Insect Clinic to be Soybean Anthracnose caused by the fungus Colletotrichum. Symptoms associated with anthracnose of soybean are wilting, defoliation, dark colored irregular lesions on stems/pods/petioles, and black dots on fruiting bodies which may result in no seed in the pod. Anthracnose is favored by warm wet weather conditions. Fungal spores can be disseminated by rain splash onto soybean stems, petioles, leaves, and pods. There are several fungicides labeled though applications have not been shown to be profitable. Crop rotation with non-host crops and tillage have shown to be effective in reducing inoculum potential for the following season.